Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Preliminary tasks research and planning

Step 1 Choose which production you're going to do and set up a new google slides and call it Prelim task.Label Prelim. In this presentation you will show the step by step progress of your prelim as well as any disasters along the way. So keep a visual diary on your slides for me to see. Fill this in if you haven't yet please.

Step 2 Make a step by step google slides from storyboarding and naming shots (or in magazines to CLIFTing your chosen product and preparing your models) to rough filming and outtakes to final product. Find one that you would like to copy and is doable in your surroundings/circumstances - magazine front cover and contents, tv doc 1st minute of the documentary, music video any one minute of video.

Step 3 Have a look at some free editing software on laptop or phone. I know this is not ideal but initially we will just need your footage. Film in landscape don't forget and get the shots, fonts etc as close to the original as possible. Practise a lot! Play original alongside. Here are some music video prelim tasks from last year

Magazines Practical photography tasks -
Use this free software to practise mag covers and contents pages

Music videos in one room to give you some ideas - free editing software Gimp, Glimpse or Affinity.

Documentaries (see above for free editing software) some ideas are Louis Theroux, Don't F with cats, Filthy Rich (Epstein), The Last Dance (Michael Jordan). Have a look at their first minute and see which ones are most doable in your situations.

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