Thursday, November 5, 2020

Halfway Evaluations

Halfway evaluations are a really good way of looking at some of your work, finding out where you're going with it and giving you some feedback. We need to get a really good idea of what your final product is going to look like. 

For Wednesday 11th November please provide a presentation including the following:

Slides should include
  • What is your industry and brand and how does it fit together?
  • Genre - protest, doc, news (how are you going to fit the conventions)
  • 1 minute music video/doc/front covers and contents draft
  • Website
  • Audio visual idea
  • Social media
  • How are you going to target your audience?
  • What do you still need to do?
An explanation of your cross media branding and what you are still to include in your productions. Mrs Field and I will go through each of these one afternoon and be able to provide you with feedback.

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